Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog #10: Why is dissection an important part of a biology curriculum? Which animals and/or plants should be included in biological studies?


                             Dissection is important because it gives the interest of studying biology.  The practice of dissecting animals is an arguable topic with people thinking negative opinions towards it.  These animals are killed for the purpose of teaching students more about how living things work, but with new computer technology there are more opportunities to learn without the killing of animals.  Animal dissection is an important element in learning how living things tick, but it doesn’t have to involve the slaughter of animals.  With computer programs students can now receive the education without interacting with a dead animal.  This eliminates the need to kill millions of animals every year.  More school systems are adopting the virtual dissection programs as an alternative to real dissection.  I would say that people should study or dissect the marine plankton animals.  It would be interesting to see the internal part of a plankton.

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