Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog #8: Your choice talk about something you learned or ask a question about something that is confusing you

                              Well so far throughout 2nd semester, I've learned alot of things but above them all, the two main topics I enjoyed learning about were about evolution and dissections. 

                             I've learned that evolution is the change over time and that the inherited traits from an ancestor is passed down from the generation to the next.  Evolution may occur when there is variation  of inherited traits within a population.  Evolution has led to the diversification of all living organisms.  I found the evolution topic interesting because I learned about the ancestors of every living organism and how their traits are passed down into the organisms that live today.
                                 The second thing I learned was dissection within living things.  Dissection is the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components.  In biology we mostly dissected plants or animals such as, a worm.  We observed the worm's insides and learned where they are found and how they work.  I find dissection an interesting thing to learn.  


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